

We are committed with three main responsibilities:

Your Care

Together Services’ mission is to bring health and restoration to the body of Christ, and to care for people through three main areas of support: emotional, relational, and spiritual. We believe that all people are designed to be in a vital and healthy relationship with God and their community, and a breakdown in those will result in pain and distress. Therefore, facilitating the restoration of these vital relationships is an important part of the pursuit of a healthy and well balanced life. Here we will walk along side with each of our clients pursuing health and restoration for their wounds.

Your Needs

Together Services is client-centered and dedicated to their clients’ needs. We are committed to accept the client for who they are and to provide support and care no matter what the client is facing or experiencing. We believe that unconditional love and empathy can provide a sense of safety and restore a spirit of hope and self-confidence in people. We value the empowerment of each person through education and information to build up or enhance their own strength, resilience, and resources.

Our quality of work

Together Services value the quality of our service. All of our staff are professionals with a variety of areas of expertise, and all have experience working with a diverse body. We are devoted to ethical principles and governmental regulations and we guarantee all our team receives ongoing training and are supervised by a licensed professional who is credentialed and regulated by a board.



Our clinical team is composed of therapists with expertise in several areas. If you are looking for individual therapy, click here for contact page.


Parental Education in Modern Times. See more

How we love: discover your love style See more

Professional Services

Members of our team are available to supervise those seeking licensure and for case consultation, click here for contact page.


Our professionals are also trained to give lectures and perform workshops with specific themes. If your institution, whether it be a company, church, association, or any other facility, would like to know more about this area of service we provide, contact our office. Click here for contact page.


Webinar Restaurando o Altar - August 13th and 14th. See more


Our team assists others in discovering and changing the unhealthy ways they may be dealing with painful emotions, and unhealthy ways of relating to others. The application of culturally competent responsive care, helping skills, biblical principles, and interventions, along psychological principals are used by our staff. Together uses three main approaches in its work: emotional, relational, and spiritual.


In the Emotional approach, the focus is on helping people who have experienced psychological traumas and hurts to make significant changes in their lives so they can achieve greater physical and emotional health. We believe that unconditional acceptance of people and their experiences can decrease isolation and a sense of alienation. Our goal with this approach is to provide a respectful and emotionally safe environment fostering an atmosphere for expression, compassion and validation.


In the Relational approach, the focus is on relational struggles at the family, church, and societal levels. We believe that by providing and modeling a safe, confidential, and respectful environment is key to learning about and improving relational skills. Our goal with this approach is to develop a trustworthy relationship enabling clients to share their stories, challenges and vulnerabilities.


In the Spiritual approach, the focus is on inviting people into the presence of God so that they can experience transformation. By creating an atmosphere of deep worship and passionate intercession, we hope to move people past just surviving into a lifestyle of freedom. Our goal with this approach is to enable people to become awakened, renewed, and actively engaged in the culture around them.

Take a

Our Team

President and Director of Clinical Services

Debora Rocha

Debora Rocha is a Christian woman, married for 35 years to Júlio Rocha, mother of 3 children, Frederico Rocha (In Memorian), Gustavo Rocha and Ana Laura Rocha. Graduated in Christian Counceling from Florida Christian University, she is also a trained psychoanalyst from the Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis – NEIPSY and a trained family relationship coach from FEBRACIS in Boston, MA. Since 2020, Débora has been working as a psychotherapist in the cities of Framingham and Worcester in Massachusetts, with a focus on serving the Brazilian community. From 2023, moved by her desire to offer more comprehensive care and reach more people than she could on her own, Debora Rocha took over the presidency of Together Services, where she serves the community by applying the knowledge she acquired in her professional life and her personal history. Her purpose is to bring healing, positive transformations and growth, through love and foster care.

Debora Rocha is a Christian woman, married for 35 years to Júlio Rocha, mother of 3 children, Frederico Rocha (In Memorian), Gustavo Rocha and Ana Laura Rocha. Graduated in Christian Counceling from Florida Christian University, she is also a trained psychoanalyst from the Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis – NEIPSY and a trained family relationship coach from FEBRACIS in Boston, MA. Since 2020, Débora has been working as a psychotherapist in the cities of Framingham and Worcester in Massachusetts, with a focus on serving the Brazilian community. From 2023, moved by her desire to offer more comprehensive care and reach more people than she could on her own, Debora Rocha took over the presidency of Together Services, where she serves the community by applying the knowledge she acquired in her professional life and her personal history. Her purpose is to bring healing, positive transformations and growth, through love and foster care.

Administrative team

Clinical Team

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Thank you for your interest. Submit this form to start your intake or call us at 508.904.0944. After submitting your request, you can expect a return call within 24 hours considering our business hours.

Business hours

Monday to Friday

10am to 6pm




© 2021 TogetherServices. All rights reserved